In traditional Rules, There are just two ways for obtaining points:
Additionally there are three ways in Kumite:
Example of some combinations: (You can find the others)
Shobu Ippon: 3 wazari= 1/2 +1/2 +1/2 =1.5. Then 1 ippon (1 point) or another Waza-ari (1/2) leads to the victory
Shobu Sambon. Now you have to reach 3 points in 2 min. For example, three Ippon or 6 Waza ari, or any combinations which leads to 3 points
Shobu Ippon: Here, just one point. One Ippon or two Waza ari or another combination to reach 1 point.
You can see a scoreboard for Traditional Karate Kumite by clicking here