
Calendar 2022

Agreements in all Karate Do Alliance’s Tournament


  1. All competitors must exhibit behaviors and manners according with fair play and sportsmanship.
  2. Any acts or statement which are disruptive to the smooth operations of the tournament or any division, or which are criminal insulting offensive, or otherwise seriously inappropriate behaviors may result in disqualification form this event.
  3. Any competitor found in possession of any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, or narcotic substance at event site may be disqualified.
  4. All competitors are required to appear for competition at posted times.
  5. Any persons who fail to appear when division name called must be disqualified according to tournament rules.
  6. All Karate competitors must wear clean, white Gi (uniform). ALL ENTRIES ARE FINAL UPON REGISTRATION.
  7. Statement of Health: By my and/or Parent/Guardian’s signature below I confirm that I am in good health and there is not reason why I cannot participate in this tournament and/or event.
  8. I hereby release Karate Do Alliance & Sport Karate League and Volunteers and anyone else connected with the tournament, or any liability, injuries, I may sustain, travelling to and from and for participate in this event. In addition, I hereby now and forever, accept any and all responsibility for any actions in conjunction with this event.
  9. I also waive any compensation for the use of any pictures or videos taken of me at this event, used directly or indirectly for the promotion of future events.
  10. The undersigned has read the above waivers and release, and understand that the may have given up substantial rights by signing it and sight it voluntarily.


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